Sunday, March 11, 2012

You thought this would be a good idea........WHY????

So my parents were both out of town and I was left to watch over my 18 year old brother.  We did the in town chores then him and a buddy went out past Scipio lake to where my dad's cows are to haul some water. Should be simple....right?  Well it was till he had a brain cramp.....lack in judgement.....need to feel......COOL!  Well what better way to cool off then to pass the 'ROAD CLOSED' sign and drive right into and icy cold Scipio Lake.  Too bad the common sense didn't hit till after the fact.  So there the truck spent the night while my brother wallowed in his momentary stupidity.  Good learning lesson.......WE HOPE SO!!!  Finally got the truck out today after church.  Not sure if any damages or not. :(
Even though she's blurry I think her face says it all! :)

The one with his head hung low is the one at fault.....Not his proudest moment.

Sure it was a good first! :)

500 feet of cable hooked on to pull it out


  1. This is priceless Amber!!!! It made my day!!!! Poor Curtis.

  2. Is it bad that I just spent the last 6 minutes laughing?? I LOVE THIS POST. Too funny!
