Tuesday, February 14, 2012

~Happy Valentine's Day/Snow Day/ Flat Stanley Week~

 Gotta love Flat Stanley!  Both of my kids made a  Flat Stanley in grade school and yesterday in the mail we received one that my nephew sent.  We get to play with him for a week then send him on with a story of his weeks adventures. He picked a good week to come with calving season starting, valentine's day and many other activities this week.

Kole and Flat Stanley Sleeping in the Sheep Camp at the calving shed

Flat Stanley joining the kids for a Valentine breakfast

Happy Valentine's Day
My parents have chickens that are producing around 24 eggs a day. They are kind of fun with all the different colors. Come Easter we won't even have to decorate them. :)  What a time saver! Haha..

I told Morgan as soon as calving season started the snow would show up.  Hmmmm.......guess who's right.....AGAIN! :)  My mom and I and my nephew took advantage of the moisture packed white stuff and built a snowman.  I guess the reason people rake their leaves in the fall is so they have nice clean snowmen.  Unfortunately my parents didn't rake their leaves so ours is VERY dirty. :)

Gus helping to build the snowman

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