Tuesday, February 7, 2012

~ Cowhands on a Rainy Saturday Ride~

All the cowboys and the cowgirl, left early Saturday morning to vaccinate my dads cows.  Us wives/mom's were suppose to meet them up to the ranch with lunch. We decided to leave a little early and was at the ranch by 10:30am.  Needless to say the rainy wet weather made them want to work faster and they were done when we got there.  So I took a couple pics instead and returned home with lunch so they could get dried off and warmed up.  :) 
My Brother Dan

She was wet and freezing but gave me a smile anyway :)

My Little Cowboy......that's growing up too fast!

my brothers and daughter

ready to get out of the rain!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing pictures. My favorite is the first one of Dan, very cool.
