Thursday, May 10, 2012


I love Spring! Signs of new life all over. Flowers blooming, blossoms on the trees, green popping out of the dead winter earth, baby kittens found in haystacks, baby calves running and playing in the fields and especially exciting this spring was the birth of our new colt on May 5th (and we were luckily able to witness it). May 5th also happened to be the baptism of 2 of our nephews (another type of new life), and the brightest moon in 21 years. Talk about an exciting beginning to Spring!
So here's to what spring brings! :)
There were 2 more but we couldn't get to them :) All from the same mama.

Just before midnight on May 5th

It's a BOY! :)

a little sleepy but it was worth it

I need a better zoom but this was the brightest moon in 21 years

it only took about 20 minutes for him to get up.....AMAZING

looking a little like Bambie

The next morning
And yesterday he was running around the corral as fast as he could and even jumped a tractor tire we have in there to put feed in. It was so dang cute. Maybe he'll be a racer......ha ha

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