Monday, April 30, 2012

~Branding Season~

This past Friday we had our big branding day.  My son has become quite the little roper.  Last year he caught 1 calf and was pretty proud of himself. This year he caught several and was REALLY proud of himself and so were we. My 14 year old daughter got the job of branding and did an awesome job. She even roped a calf this year. :) We had several other family members and friends there to help out with shots and roping as well.
As always it's a great time! :)
Sorry about the rotation of some of the pictures. Not sure why they loaded up that way
and I can't figure out how to change them. :(

her first catch

Hi Ho Silver

we even found a horney toad

she wanted to ride the horse again.......SO BAD! :)

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