Thursday, February 9, 2012

~Skeet Shooting~

Last Saturday Morgan decided to take us over to my dad's gravel pit for a little skeet shooting and family time. (Since he had been spending so much time at work and finally had a day off.) I must admit that my kids are pretty good shots. I think if we had to live off fowl, we'd be okay. :) I myself only hit 1 out of 5...or 6 but who's counting. (my KIDS!!!) :) Anyway, everyone was taking turns throwing the skeet with the little "hand skeet flinger" (not sure what it's called) which didn't look complicated at all when my kids were doing it. That was until it was my turn. When prompted to "pull" I gave it my best shot and the little bugger stayed in the flinger! I tried it again and still nothing. After SEVERAL attempts Morgan said, "just give it all you got" so I did and..........the whole thing launched from my hand. The family was getting a pretty good kick out of it. Morgan grabbed the camera and started shooting my numerous failures. (Thanks Honey :) I never did accomplish a successful fling but my family sure had a good laugh. :) The next day I could hardly use my right arm my muscle was so sore. Andy Monroe offered me his automatic flinger for next time. I think I just might take him up on it. :)

she's an awesome shot!

with these two we would NOT go hungry :)

need more ammo dad

sharp shooter

not shooting at a moving target here.  And yes, I did hit what I was aiming for. :)

Super flinger


waiting again......... for more ammo

after many attempts at a single hand fling I decided to try it like a baseball bat :)

still didn't work


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