Sunday, December 18, 2011

~A Foggie Frosting~

 I went out to water the cows the other morning after the fog lifted and everything was covered in a glittery white frosting. It was so pretty!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

~Fabulous Colors and Family Traditions~

Autumn has got to be my most favorite season of the year! What a beautiful pallet of colors God blesses us with!

and what better thing to do then go camping out in the splendor of it all!

A spectacular full moon, which these pictures do not do it justice, was also another wonderful gift for the eyes.

And then we move into storms brewin',

a Thanksgiving Feast
with good food,

lots of laughter,

and lots of chaos and kids, :)

Followed up by our traditional "Black Friday" Christmas tree cutting.

It's a VERY dangerous sport!! 
The one below almost took me and a few of my nieces out. :)

these ones to be specific. :)

all decorated :)

But, what Holiday isn't complete without a family work project???
NONE! According to my sweet husband. :)
So up the new calving shed went with the very much appreciated help of some of Morgan's co-workers and Dad.

Then on to Scout advancements and Birthday parties.
Now a Webelow! :)

And a shared birthday party with a cousin. One turning 10 and the other "sweet 16"  MU-WAH...  :)

and of course you have to have your "Buddie's" party!

Then came a blast of snow where my daughter had fun creating artwork on the back lawn.
and finally thanks to Thanksgiving :) we were able to get a Christmas card picture of (almost) the whole family. Everyone was home but my brother's family.  He's spent his Thanksgiving in Texas fighting fire. So we added a little pic of them when he got home. 
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Oops, this sunset was actually suppose to go with the fall pictures but thanks to my blogging
abilities I wasn't able to get it there. :)

See ya next year!