Tuesday, September 6, 2011

~Uncle Joe's Cabin~

Every year since I can remember the Christensen family has gone up to Uncle Joe's Cabin for Labor Day. I was first invited when Morgan and I were dating and have been every year since. It's crazy to think that the little babies that were there when I first started going are now married and having babies of their own.  Sure makes me feel OLD! :( But it is also adding to the fun having the new family additions.  We have gotten so big now that each year a couple of families have to bring campers and tents to sleep in but it is still a blast. The boys (and my daughter) went up on the skyline and had a game of football.  I had fun taking MORE silhouette pictures. :)'  It was such a perfect night! We also had fun staying up late playing card games, eating, visiting, eating, reading, eating, going on 4-wheeler rides, eating and well I guess you get the point......LOTS OF EATING! It's the only time of year you don't need to feel guilty having a piece of lemon meringue pie, or Nieman Marcus bars right after breakfast. Then between meals you can snack on homemade oreo's, corn pops treats, golden Graham S'mores, licorice, brownies, chocolate chip cookies, chips and salsa, Peanut M&M's, rice crispy treats, Tootsie Rolls and whatever else you can a find. ~Holy crap I think I just gained 10 more pounds making that list!~ That would be the reason we cut meals down to 2 a day instead of 3. Since then the 'rate of gain' hasn't been quite as bad. :) Well what fun would a blog post be without pictures so here they are. The first one is Uncle Joe's Cabin. The rest are pretty self explanatory.

~Smoochy ~ Smoochy~
We had a little extra fun after the game

~1st Christensen Great Grandchild~
Skyler looks so dang cute!

Only 4 weeks left!



1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love seeing the pictures...makes me super sad we missed it! Your silhouettes are amazing...teach me please:)
