Sunday, June 10, 2012

~Stock Show Success, Good Eats, Fun Times~

Wow life has been a whirl wind since school got out.  I will no longer have an Elementary student.
:,( Kind of bitter sweet. Both of my kids finished school with AWESOME grades.  Another 4.0 for my now Sophmore. (SCARY!) She is such a wiz at smartsy stuff.  I wish I could take the credit but I have to pass that one on to the hubby. I guess I can take credit for........getting them here. :)

Anyway to start off we celebrated my Grandpa Jensen's 85th birthday. My aunt planned a little surprise party for him at the El Mexicano in Salina.
They stay at Fish Lake every summer so this is a Fish Lake cake. :)


Happy 85th Grandpa

yes those are french fries with Morgan's Fajitas

We finally were able to get everyone together in one spot for a group picture......... after it got dark and rainy! :(

 We then spent the first week out of school at the Millard County Jr. Livestock Show. No Grand Champs but a lot of other awards.  My daughters heifer took 3rd over all and 1st in county so she did win a belt buckle which she was THRILLED about.  She also won the herdsman award, won the livestock animal judging contest and something else that I can't remember at this moment. :)  My son took 2nd in Fitting and Showing and did awesome for his 2nd year.  He took total care of his heifer. Mom and Dad were NOT needed. :)  So we were able to just sit and watch with butterfly's in our stomachs. :) He also had a great time finding baby birds that would just randomly drop out of their nests throughout the barn.

Kenzie during the judging

Fitting and Showing

Kole during the judging

Kole getting his picture taken for 2nd place Fitting and Showing :)

Kenzie and Kole

Kole getting his 2nd place Fitting & Showing plaque

Kenzie getting her 3rd place Fitting and Showing bucket :)

Kenzie getting her belt buckle  Woohooo... :)

at the count of 3 everybody smile........UHHH  BOYS?!?!


                                                                                       So now on to good eats :)

I decided to make some shish kabobs for dinner one night which I thought turned out pretty good.  My fam could have done without so many veggies but I thought they were scrumptious!

Then my dad took my son and nephew fishing.
This is what they came home with!
Although they don't look too appetizing here they were sure yummy for Sunday dinner today!
Now this is a fishing trip!

They broke 2 lines and 1 pole trying to catch these baby's!

So that pretty much sums up the first week and a half out of school.
Next week......Girls Camp! :)

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

~Smarter With Age???~

So they say you get smarter with age....  Well my daughter is questioning that! :)  We were making s'mores today. Roasting the marshmallows over the stove burner with forks, then putting them on Keebler Fudge Stripe cookies (which is SCRUMPTIOUS!). Well without even thinking I removed the marshmallow, then went to eat the remaining marshmallow off the fork when all of a sudden my lips were sizzling!  OUCH!!!  I now have fork marks on the inside of both my top and bottom lip!  Again I say.......OOOOOOOOUUUUUUUCCCCCHHHHHHHH!!!!!!  :(