Thursday, May 10, 2012

~Mother of the year AGAIN~ :(

So Monday my (almost 2) niece and I sent my kids off to school on the bus at 6:50am. We then snuggled on the couch for a minute, where she always likes to play with my phone and pretend she is calling her mom and dad.  Then we continued on with our day of playing barbies, helping granny get ready for the day (which also starts our day out with a Schwans ice cream, yum:), checking the cows and horses (Des's favorite thing to do), getting ready for the day, more playing, dancing in the kitchen, snacking, napping and so forth.  Well I thought it strange that I hadn't gotten any calls from my dad that day so I checked my phone. I had several missed calls and 2 messages. I started listening to the messages and it was the elementary telling me that my son was sick and I needed to come get him. I then listened to the second one which said my son had thrown up 3 times and I REALLY needed to come and get him! Just as that message was ending my phone beeped so I answered it. It was the school nurse informing me that school was out and they were just going to send my son home on the bus. 
Talk about feeling like a TERRIBLE mother!
 Well, apparently during our morning phone play the volume on my phone was turned off.  Therefore my son spent 2 hours laying in the nurses room at the school waiting for me. And I was thinking my parental record with him was so much better than when my daughter was in elementary in Cedar City. I really struggled with their changing time schedules and ended up taking her to school 1 hour early one day and picking  her up an hour late.......on a few occasions :( but, that's a whole other story:)   
Up side, my neighbor with a daughter the same age was just as spacey as me so she had a friend. :)  Anyway back to my son, the poor kid finally made it home.  I made him a bed on the couch found him a movie and doted over him to make up.  The next day I took him to the doctors. They ran some test did some chest x-ray's and sent us home with an antibiotic.  He spent the whole day just laying on the couch watching movies, sleeping and coughing. The next day he still wasn't feeling very chipper and being inside for so long is just not his thing so I asked if he wanted to go for a little ride.  He happily said yes. So we headed out.  I decided to take my camera and get a few shots along the way. Well we ended up out at Yuba Dam or as we town folk call it "U BE DAM " :)  Well, he was enjoying the sun but still not to perky. I decided to add him to some of my shots anyway. Then my phone rang again ( this time I had the volume ALL the way up :) It was the nurse at the clinic telling me that looking at the x-rays they found that my son has pneumonia. 
Let's sit you by cool water on a windy day and take some pictures when your sick!
Heavenly Father knew that 2 kids would be my capable limit. Either that or he knew my good husband would save them from me. :)
They call this lane 'Foo Foo" lots of memories :) I love these old trees but am sad to see them dying
like so many of my other childhood memories.

me trying to get more creative shots

I had to laugh when all of a sudden someone shut them off while I was snapping shots. I didn't even see anyone pull up. :)

I did a little light editing to these but I thought it was a cool little tree at the top of this read cliff

Reminds me of the poem "Good Timber"

    Good Timber

    by Douglas Malloch

    The tree that never had to fight
    For sun and sky and air and light,
    But stood out in the open plain
    And always got its share of rain,
    Never became a forest king
    But lived and died a scrubby thing.
    The man who never had to toil
    To gain and farm his patch of soil,
    Who never had to win his share
    Of sun and sky and light and air,
    Never became a manly man
    But lived and died as he began.
    Good timber does not grow with ease:
    The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
    The further sky, the greater length;
    The more the storm, the more the strength.
    By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
    In trees and men good timbers grow.
    Where thickest lies the forest growth,
    We find the patriarchs of both.
    And they hold counsel with the stars
    Whose broken branches show the scars
    Of many winds and much of strife.
    This is the common law of life.

little more light editing on the road to Yuba

Looking North West from the Dam

This was a composition of 10 photos put together to make a panorama of the lake

not too perky :(

the bridge at Yuba


I love Spring! Signs of new life all over. Flowers blooming, blossoms on the trees, green popping out of the dead winter earth, baby kittens found in haystacks, baby calves running and playing in the fields and especially exciting this spring was the birth of our new colt on May 5th (and we were luckily able to witness it). May 5th also happened to be the baptism of 2 of our nephews (another type of new life), and the brightest moon in 21 years. Talk about an exciting beginning to Spring!
So here's to what spring brings! :)
There were 2 more but we couldn't get to them :) All from the same mama.

Just before midnight on May 5th

It's a BOY! :)

a little sleepy but it was worth it

I need a better zoom but this was the brightest moon in 21 years

it only took about 20 minutes for him to get up.....AMAZING

looking a little like Bambie

The next morning
And yesterday he was running around the corral as fast as he could and even jumped a tractor tire we have in there to put feed in. It was so dang cute. Maybe he'll be a racer......ha ha