Sunday, December 18, 2011

~A Foggie Frosting~

 I went out to water the cows the other morning after the fog lifted and everything was covered in a glittery white frosting. It was so pretty!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

~Fabulous Colors and Family Traditions~

Autumn has got to be my most favorite season of the year! What a beautiful pallet of colors God blesses us with!

and what better thing to do then go camping out in the splendor of it all!

A spectacular full moon, which these pictures do not do it justice, was also another wonderful gift for the eyes.

And then we move into storms brewin',

a Thanksgiving Feast
with good food,

lots of laughter,

and lots of chaos and kids, :)

Followed up by our traditional "Black Friday" Christmas tree cutting.

It's a VERY dangerous sport!! 
The one below almost took me and a few of my nieces out. :)

these ones to be specific. :)

all decorated :)

But, what Holiday isn't complete without a family work project???
NONE! According to my sweet husband. :)
So up the new calving shed went with the very much appreciated help of some of Morgan's co-workers and Dad.

Then on to Scout advancements and Birthday parties.
Now a Webelow! :)

And a shared birthday party with a cousin. One turning 10 and the other "sweet 16"  MU-WAH...  :)

and of course you have to have your "Buddie's" party!

Then came a blast of snow where my daughter had fun creating artwork on the back lawn.
and finally thanks to Thanksgiving :) we were able to get a Christmas card picture of (almost) the whole family. Everyone was home but my brother's family.  He's spent his Thanksgiving in Texas fighting fire. So we added a little pic of them when he got home. 
Wishing you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Oops, this sunset was actually suppose to go with the fall pictures but thanks to my blogging
abilities I wasn't able to get it there. :)

See ya next year!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

October has ~flown~ by.......he he heeee <);-)

Wow! I can't believe October is already over! It has been a crazy busy month. It started out with the passing of my sweet Aunt Elaine on the 3rd. Which saddened us all.  Another year older for me on the 4th.....~.tears, hysterical crying, denial~ :)  Morgan was put in as 1st counselor in the Bishopric on the 9th with Tom Memmott as bishop and Terry Monroe as 2nd counselor.  Very humbling for all of us!  (more tears, hysterical crying and denial. :)  He bought a suit from Mr Mac and they had to alter it a little.  Well, it ended up being a "little" too much! Ha ha ha.... It was about 6 inches too short.  He's still waiting for another one to get here.   The cows all made it home off the mountain safely due to an early snow. Easiest round up we've EVER had!  Kole made it through another season of flag football with his team finishing in the #1 spot! YAY!!!!  MaKenzie has been practicing her violin every spare second she has had (which hasn't been much due to the fact that she has been cheering at football and volleyball so much) for her upcoming recital. Although, she does have her piece memorized and it is sounding awesome!  The Millard Eagles football team has made it to the semi-finals. Lets keep it up EAGLES!!  The town potato patch was another success this year. With many of the town's people helping to plant and harvest the 1 1/2 acre crop which, had enough potatoes for everyone that attended and then some! Then ending the month with the ward Halloween "Potato Bash" Party. (and yes the potato's from the harvest were used.)  Most of the other days of the month were filled in with attending football and volleyball games, mutual activities, tending my sweet niece, deer hunting (which was unsuccessful in Morgan's eyes :), violin lessons, house cleaning, laundry, baking, taking down fence on the mountain, helping the other permittee's round up and haul cattle home, more laundry, BUNCO, a Pampered Chef party (yes those are both very important things!;) and most important of all, was even able to sneak in a few dates with my sweetheart. :) WOW......I'm totally exhausted all over again! :) And now to post the pictures of it all cause, I know that's all you really look at anyway. :)
Aunt Elaine's Funeral

My Birthday Cake

Cattle Drive

Ready for the Hunt

Maple Grove in the Fall

Flag Football

Flag Football

Violinist/Cheerleader/4.0 Student = happy parents :)

Town Potato Patch

my sweet nieces, Pocahontas and Witchy
Pocahontas is the one I tend.  She's so sweet! :)

Painted Pumpkins

Owl Cupcakes

Spider Hair

German Chocolate Cupcakes

Ward Halloween Party

carving pumpkins

my cute little witch niece

my cute engineer nephew

Youth Halloween Party